Thursday, December 21, 2006


'Rocky' brought in big numbers and a #1 Box Office Slot on opening day!

UPDATE: Now at over 60 million!

Should continue a strong run in theaters thanks to strong word of mouth from critics and fans!

'Rocky' will also bring in big numbers overseas and on DVD!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

'ROCKY BALBOA' Opening Day!

Pictured from left: Bodhi, Mr. Dawson, Dad, Me, Evan "Hunter, Killer" Pinther and The Wolf! (Not Pictured: The Snake, Jeff "Give Em' Hell" Griffin)

Monday, December 11, 2006

" * * * * " Newsweek, Entertainment Weekly, Ain't It Cool News, Maxim, Variety, Rolling Stone, Hollywood Reporter

"The series-ending 'Rocky Balboa' is a surprisingly moving story of aging and redemption.
A provocative exploration of heroism and aging, and provides a poignant exit for a character that has become a baby-boomer icon of American manhood."