A very special thanks to the Wolf + SexyBrit for a great night! We screened "Back To The Future" & "The Hills Have Eyes". Somehow the XBOX wound up getting connected to the big screen and we eventually found ourselves at iHop.
Gentlemen, the Backyard Movie was not an official Bretheren® sponsored event. Infact, it was just a dry runthrough for an upcoming Bretheren event. I had never put together this screen and had no idea if or how it would work. Also, I was quite sick...but in passing mentioned I was trying to set it up and then a few peeps showed up (the Wolf's own B-Man didn't know about it). We will do this now knowing that it works as an offically sanctioned Bretheren® Event as posted on the blog.
Bull - You are the man and always a gentleman. You are the best buddy......
These Bretheren members who do not have kids yet have no idea do they? I cannot wait until they have them and I can watch their little freedoms come to an end. I will laugh, laugh, laugh!!
awesome pics...it was a great night
Looks like a good time was had!
Yea, looks like it - SO GLAD I knew about it - what the f*ck?
Bretheren with children not invited.
I hear ya Spengler, I hear ya loud and clear!
Whatever Bobby, whatever - I am not suprised by this at all so I do not even know why I care.
Instead of "The Bretheren," maybe we should call ourselves "The Select," for we'll invite you if we feel like it.
Gentlemen, the Backyard Movie was not an official Bretheren® sponsored event. Infact, it was just a dry runthrough for an upcoming Bretheren event. I had never put together this screen and had no idea if or how it would work. Also, I was quite sick...but in passing mentioned I was trying to set it up and then a few peeps showed up (the Wolf's own B-Man didn't know about it). We will do this now knowing that it works as an offically sanctioned Bretheren® Event as posted on the blog.
speaking of. . .now that i have my hands on the descent. . .
Did Wolfy write that or is that Bobby trying to cover and make everybody's feelings okay?
Don't worry about it dutchy, I didn't hear anything about it either. Looked like fun though!
Yea, it did look like fun - I guess us people with children are not invited. We are not part of the cool crowd anymore.
Don't worry dutch. Any Bretheren members that have children or plan on having children in the near future are welcome at my place anytime!
Bull - You are the man and always a gentleman. You are the best buddy......
These Bretheren members who do not have kids yet have no idea do they? I cannot wait until they have them and I can watch their little freedoms come to an end. I will laugh, laugh, laugh!!
i hear ya dutchie, i hear ya. .
u are still one SICK bastard!
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